

More Things You Can Make Yourself

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As difficult as this time has been in so many ways, I really believe some good things are coming out it. For me personally, I feel like I've stayed in better touch with lots of people because I can't spend personal face-to-face time with them. I've also learned to appreciate family and friends so much more and the freedom that we normally have to come and go as we please.

Another positive thing about these days at home is the response we've gotten from so many of you. You're attempting lots of new recipes and trying things that you just didn't have time for before. And you're discovering that many of these things are easy and fun.

We're sharing a few more recipes today that you can make yourself. Like our post last week, these are things you don't have to purchase from the store.

Honestly, I think that when you try these easy homemade versions, you may never go back. And that's a good thing - you'll be saving lots of money and won't be subjecting yourself and your family/friends to all the chemically processed ready-made products that have become a habit with so many of us. See what I mean? Lots of good things are coming out of this not-so-good time! Happy cooking!

More Things You Can Make Yourself

from The Café Sucre Farine
